Identifying radio active galactic nuclei among radio-emitting galaxies

Abstract in English

Basing our analysis on ROGUE I, a catalog of over 32,000 radio sources associated with optical galaxies, we provide two diagnostics to select the galaxies where the radio emission is due to an active galactic nucleus (AGN). Each of these diagnostics can be applied independently. The first one, dubbed MIRAD, compares the flux $F_{W3}$ in the $W3$ mid-infrared band of the WISE telescope, with the radio flux at 1.4 GHz, $Frad$. MIRAD requires no optical spectra. The second diagnostic, dubbed DLM, relates the 4000 AA break strength, $D_{rm n}(4000)$, with the radio luminosity per unit stellar mass. The DLM diagram has already been used in the past, but not as standalone. For these two diagrams, we propose simple, empirical dividing lines that result in the same classification for the objects in common. These lines correctly classify as radio-AGN 99.5 percent of the extended radio sources in the ROGUE~I catalog, and as star-forming (SF) galaxies 98--99 percent of the galaxies identified as such by their emission line ratios. Both diagrams clearly show that radio AGNs are preferentially found among elliptical galaxies and among galaxies hosting the most massive black holes. Most of the radio sources classified as radio-AGNs in the MIRAD or DLM diagrams are either optically weak AGNs or retired galaxies.
