A Rigorous Theory of Prethermalization without Temperature

Abstract in English

Prethermalization refers to the physical phenomenon where a system evolves toward some long-lived non-equilibrium steady state before eventual thermalization sets in. One general scenario where this occurs is in driven systems with dynamics governed by an effective Hamiltonian (in some rotating frame), such that ergodicity of the latter is responsible for the approach to the prethermal state. This begs the question whether it is possible to have a prethermal state not associated to any effective Hamiltonian. Here, we answer this question in the affirmative. We exhibit a natural class of systems in which the prethermal state is defined by emergent, global symmetries, but where the dynamics that takes the system to this state has no additional conservation laws, in particular energy. We explain how novel prethermal phases of matter can nevertheless emerge under such settings, distinct from those previously discussed.
