Characterization of M dwarfs Using Optical Mid-Resolution Spectra for Exploration of Small Exoplanets

Abstract in English

We present the optical spectra of 338 nearby M dwarfs, and compute their spectral types, effective temperatures ($T_{mathrm{eff}}$), and radii. Our spectra have been obtained using several optical spectrometers with spectral resolutions that range from 1200 to 10000. As many as 97% of the observed M-type dwarfs have a spectral type of M3-M6, with a typical error of 0.4 sub-type, among which the spectral types M4-M5 are the most common. We infer the $T_{mathrm{eff}}$ of our sample by fitting our spectra with theoretical spectra from the PHOENIX model. Our inferred $T_{mathrm{eff}}$ is calibrated with the optical spectra of M dwarfs whose $T_{mathrm{eff}}$ have been well determined with the calibrations that are supported by previous interferometric observations. Our fitting procedures utilize the VO absorption band (7320-7570 {AA}) and the optical region (5000-8000 {AA}), yielding typical errors of 128 K (VO band) and 85 K (optical region). We also determine the radii of our sample from their spectral energy distributions (SEDs). We find most of our sample stars have radii of $<$ 0.6 $R_odot$, with the average error being 3%. Our catalog enables efficient sample selection for exoplanet surveys around nearby M-type dwarfs.
