Compressive Circular Polarization Snapshot Spectral Imaging

Abstract in English

A compressive sensing based circular polarization snapshot spectral imaging system is proposed in this paper to acquire two-dimensional spatial, one-dimensional circular polarization (the right and left circular polarization), and one-dimensional spectral information, simultaneously. Using snapshot can collect the entire four-dimensional datacube in a single integration period. The dispersion prism in the coded aperture snapshot spectral imager is replaced by the combination of an Amici prism and a Wollaston prism to implement the spectral shifting along two orthogonal directions, which greatly improves the spectral resolution of the image. The right and left circular polarization components of objects are extracted by the assemble with an achromatic quarter wave-plate and a Wollaston prism. The encoding and reconstruction are illustrated comprehensively. The feasibility is verified by the simulation. It provides us an alternative approach for circular polarization spectral imaging such as defogging, underwater imaging, and so on.
