A Field-Particle Correlation Analysis of a Perpendicular Magnetized Collisionless Shock: I. Theory

Abstract in English

Collisionless shocks play an important role in space and astrophysical plasmas by irreversibly converting the energy of the incoming supersonic plasma flows into other forms, including plasma heat, particle acceleration, and electromagnetic field energy. Here we present the application of the field-particle correlation technique to an idealized perpendicular magnetized collisionless shock to understand the transfer of energy from the incoming flow into ion and electron energy through the structure of the shock. The connection between a Lagrangian perspective following particle trajectories, and an Eulerian perspective observing the net energization of the distribution of particles, illuminates the energy transfer mechanisms. Using the field-particle correlation analysis, we identify the velocity-space signature of shock-drift acceleration of the ions in the shock foot, as well as the velocity-space signature of adiabatic electron heating through the shock ramp.
