Introduction of Sr into Bi2Se3 thin films by molecular beam epitaxy

Abstract in English

SrxBi2Se3 is a candidate topological superconductor but its superconductivity requires the intercalation of Sr by into the van-der-Waals gaps of Bi2Se3. We report the synthesis of SrxBi2Se3 thin films by molecular beam epitaxy, and we characterize their structural, vibrational and electrical properties. X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy show evidence of substitutional Sr alloying into the structure, while transport measurements allow us to correlate the increasing Sr content with an increased n-type doping, but do not reveal superconductivity down to 1.5K. Our results suggest that Sr predominantly occupies sites within a quintuple layer, simultaneously substituting for Bi and as an interstitial. Our results motivate future density functional studies to further investigate the energetics of Sr substitution into Bi2Se3.
