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The COMET experiment at J-PARC aims to search for the neutrinoless transition of a muon to an electron. We have developed the readout electronics board called ROESTI for the COMET straw tube tracker. We plan to install the ROESTI in the gas manifold of the detector. The number of vacuum feedthroughs needs to be reduced due to space constraints and cost limitations. In order to decrease the number of vacuum feedthroughs drastically, we developed a network processor with a daisy-chain function of Gigabit Ethernet for the FPGA on the ROESTI. We implemented two SiTCPs, which are hardware-based TCP processors for Gigabit Ethernet, in the network processor. We also added the data path controllers which handle the Ethernet frames and the event data. The network processor enables ROESTI to process the slow control over UDP/IP and to transfer event data over TCP/IP. By using the network processor, we measured the throughput, the stability, and the data loss rate for two to six ROESTIs. In any number of boards, the throughput of the event data transfer achieved the theoretical limit of TCP over the Gigabit Ethernet stably and ROESTI stably sent 100% of the data.
The BGO calorimeter, which provides a wide measurement range of the primary cosmic ray spectrum, is a key sub-detector of Dark Matter Particle Explorer (DAMPE). The readout electronics of calorimeter consists of 16 pieces of Actel ProASIC Plus FLASH-based FPGA, of which the design-level flip-flops and embedded block RAMs are single event upset (SEU) sensitive in the harsh space environment. Therefore to comply with radiation hardness assurance (RHA), SEU mitigation methods, including partial triple modular redundancy (TMR), CRC checksum, and multi-domain reset are analyzed and tested by the heavy-ion beam test. Composed of multi-level redundancy, a FPGA design with the characteristics of SEU tolerance and low resource consumption is implemented for the readout electronics.
Radiation damage on front-end readout and trigger electronics is an important issue in the COMET Phase-I experiment at J-PARC, which plans to search for the neutrinoless transition of a muon to an electron. To produce an intense muon beam, a high-power proton beam impinges on a graphite target, resulting in a high-radiation environment. We require radiation tolerance to a total dose of $1.0,mathrm{kGy}$ and $1,mathrm{MeV}$ equivalent neutron fluence of $1.0times10^{12},mathrm{n_{eq},cm^{-2}}$ including a safety factor of 5 over the duration of the physics measurement. The use of commercially-available electronics components which have high radiation tolerance, if such components can be secured, is desirable in such an environment. The radiation hardness of commercial electronic components has been evaluated in gamma-ray and neutron irradiation tests. As results of these tests, voltage regulators, ADCs, DACs, and several other components were found to have enough tolerance to both gamma-ray and neutron irradiation at the level we require.
The Time Projection method is an ideal candidate to track low energy release particles. Large volumes can be readout by means of a moderate number of channels providing a complete 3D reconstruction of the charged tracks within the sensitive volume. It allows the measurement not only of the total released energy but also of the energy release density along the tracks that can be very useful for particle identification and to solve the head-tail ambiguity of the tracks. Moreover, gas represents a very interesting target to study Dark Matter interactions. In gas, nuclear recoils can travel enough to give rise to tracks long enough to be acquired and reconstructed.
We present a novel concept of proportional gas amplification for the read-out of the spherical proportional counter. The standard single-ball read-out presents limitations for large diameter spherical detectors and high pressure operations. We have developed a multi-ball read-out system which consists of several balls sitting at a fixed distance from the center of the spherical vessel. Such a module can tune the volume electric field at the desired value and can also provide detector segmentation with individual ball read-out. In the latter case the large volume of the vessel becomes a spherical time projection chamber with 3D capabilities.
Metallic magnetic micro-calorimeters (MMCs) operated at millikelvin temperature offer the possibility to achieve eV-scale energy resolution with high stopping power for X-rays and massive particles in an energy range up to several tens of keV. This motivates their use in a wide range of applications in fields as particle physics, atomic and molecular physics. Present detector systems consist of MMC arrays read out by 32 two-stage SQUID read-out channels. In contrast to the design of the detector array and consequently the design of the front-end SQUIDs, which need to be optimised for the physics case and the particles to be detected in a given experiment, the read-out chain can be standardised. We present our new standardised 32-channel parallel read-out for the operation of MMC arrays to be operated in a dilution refrigerator. The read-out system consists of a detector module, whose design depends on the particular application, an amplifier module, ribbon cables from room temperature to the millikelvin platform and a data acquisition system. In particular, we describe the realisation of the read-out system prepared for the ECHo-1k experiment for the operation of two 64-pixel arrays. The same read-out concept is also used for the maXs detector systems, developed for the study of the de-excitation of highly charged heavy ions by X-rays, as well as for the MOCCA system, developed for the energy and position sensitive detection of neutral molecular fragments for the study of fragmentation when molecular ions recombine with electrons. The choice of standard modular components for the operation of 32-channel MMC arrays offer the flexibility to upgrade detector modules without the need of any changes in the read-out system and the possibility to individually exchange parts in case of damages or failures.