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Separatrix Divergence of Stellar Streams in Galactic Potentials

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 Added by Tomer Yavetz
 Publication date 2020
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Flattened axisymmetric galactic potentials are known to host minor orbit families surrounding orbits with commensurable frequencies. The behavior of orbits that belong to these orbit families is fundamentally different than that of typical orbits with non-commensurable frequencies. We investigate the evolution of stellar streams on orbits near the boundaries between orbit families (separatrices) in a flattened axisymmetric potential. We demonstrate that the separatrix divides these streams into two groups of stars that belong to two different orbit families, and that as a result, these streams diffuse more rapidly than streams that evolve elsewhere in the potential. We utilize Hamiltonian perturbation theory to estimate both the timescale of this effect and the likelihood of a stream evolving close enough to a separatrix to be affected by it. We analyze two prior reports of stream-fanning in simulations with triaxial potentials, and conclude that at least one of them is caused by separatrix divergence. These results lay the foundation for a method of mapping the orbit families of galactic potentials using the morphology of stellar streams. Comparing these predictions with the currently known distribution of streams in the Milky Way presents a new way of constraining the shape of our Galaxys potential and distribution of dark matter.

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The origins of most stellar streams in the Milky Way are unknown. With improved proper motions provided by Gaia EDR3, we show that the orbits of 23 Galactic stellar streams are highly clustered in orbital phase space. Based on their energies and angular momenta, most streams in our sample can plausibly be associated with a specific (disrupted) dwarf galaxy host that brought them into the Milky Way. For eight streams we also identify likely globular cluster progenitors (four of these associations are reported here for the first time). Some of these stream progenitors are surprisingly far apart, displaced from their tidal debris by a few to tens of degrees. We identify stellar streams that appear spatially distinct, but whose similar orbits indicate they likely originate from the same progenitor. If confirmed as physical discontinuities, they will provide strong constraints on the mass-loss from the progenitor. The nearly universal ex-situ origin of existing stellar streams makes them valuable tracers of galaxy mergers and dynamical friction within the Galactic halo. Their phase-space clustering can be leveraged to construct a precise global map of dark matter in the Milky Way, while their internal structure may hold clues to the small-scale structure of dark matter in their original host galaxies.
128 - A. P. Naik 2020
Theories of gravity that incorporate new scalar degrees of freedom typically require screening mechanisms to ensure consistency with Solar System tests. One widely-studied mechanism -- the chameleon -- can lead to violations of the equivalence principle (EP), as screened and unscreened objects fall differently. If the stars are screened but the surrounding dark matter is not, this leads to asymmetry between leading and trailing streams. We provide analytic estimates of the magnitude of this effect for realistic Galactic mass distributions. Using a restricted N-body code, we simulate 4 satellites with a range of masses and orbits, together with a variety of strengths of the fifth force and screening levels of the Milky Way and satellite. The ratio of the cumulative number function of stars in the leading and trailing stream as a function of longitude from the satellite is computable from simulations, measurable from the stellar data and can provide a direct test. We forecast constraints for streams at large Galactocentric distances, using the specific example case of Hu-Sawicki gravity. Streams with apocentres between 100 and 200 kpc provide attainable constraints at the level of $|f_{R0}| = 10^{-7}$. Still more stringent constraints at the level of $10^{-7.5}$ or even $10^{-8}$ are plausible provided the environmental screening of the satellite is accounted for. These would be among the tightest astrophysical constraints to date. We note further signatures of chameleon gravity: (i) the trailing stellar stream may become detached from the dark matter progenitor if all the stars are lost, (ii) in the extreme fifth force regime, striations in the stellar trailing tail may develop, (iii) if the satellite is fully screened, its orbital frequency is lower than that of the associated dark matter, which is preferentially liberated into the leading tidal tail.
199 - Jeremy J. Webb , Jo Bovy 2021
Stellar streams are the inevitable end product of star cluster evolution, with the properties of a given stream being related to its progenitor. We consider how the dynamical history of a progenitor cluster, as traced by the evolution of its stellar mass function, is reflected in the resultant stream. We generate model streams by evolving star clusters with a range of initial half-mass relaxation times and dissolution times via direct N-body simulations. Stellar streams that dissolve quickly show no variation in the stellar mass function along the stream. Variation is, however, observed along streams with progenitor clusters that dissolve after several relaxation times. The mass function at the edges of a stream is approximately primordial as it is populated by the first stars to escape the cluster before segregation occurs. Moving inwards the mass function steepens as the intermediate parts of the stream consist of mostly low-mass stars that escaped the cluster after some segregation has occurred. The centre of the stream is then marked by a flatter mass function, as the region is dominated by high-mass stars that quickly segregated to the progenitor clusters centre and were the last stars to become unbound. We further find that the maximum slope of the mass function along the stream and the rate at which it decreases with distance from the dissolved progenitor serve as proxies for the dynamical state reached by the progenitor cluster before dissolution; this may be able to be applied to observed streams with near-future observations.
156 - Rainer J. Klement 2010
The phase-space structure of our Galaxy holds the key to understand and reconstruct its formation. The Lambda-CDM model predicts a richly structured phase-space distribution of dark matter and (halo) stars, consisting of streams of particles torn from their progenitors during the process of hierarchical merging. While such streams quickly loose their spatial coherence in the process of phase mixing, the individual stars keep their common origin imprinted into their kinematic and chemical properties, allowing the recovery of the Galaxys individual building blocks. The field of Galactic Archeology has witnessed a dramatic boost over the last decade, thanks to the increasing quality and size of available data sets. This is especially true for the solar neighborhood, a volume of 1-2 kpc around the sun, where large scale surveys like SDSS/SEGUE continue to reveal the full 6D phase-space information of thousands of halo stars. In this review, I summarize the discoveries of stellar halo streams made so far and give a theoretical overview over the search strategies imployed. This paper is intended as an introduction to researchers new to field, but also as a reference illustrating the achievements made so far. I conclude that disentangling the individual fragments from which the Milky Way was built requires more precise data that will ultimately be delivered by the Gaia mission.
Using GALAH survey data of nearby stars, we look at how structure in the planar (u,v) velocity distribution depends on metallicity and on viewing direction within the Galaxy. In nearby stars, with distance d < 1 kpc, the Hercules stream is most strongly seen in higher metallicity stars [Fe/H] > 0.2. The Hercules stream peak v value depends on viewed galactic longitude, which we interpret as due to the gap between the stellar stream and more circular orbits being associated with a specific angular momentum value of about 1640 km/s kpc. The association of the gap with a particular angular momentum value supports a bar resonant model for the Hercules stream. Moving groups previously identified in Hipparcos observations are easiest to see in stars nearer than 250 pc, and their visibility and peak velocities in the velocity distributions depends on both viewing direction (galactic longitude and hemisphere) and metallicity. We infer that there is fine structure in local velocity distributions that varies over distances of a few hundred pc in the Galaxy.
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