Interstellar and Circumgalactic Properties of an Unseen $z=6.84$ Galaxy: Abundances, Ionization, and Heating in the Earliest Known Quasar Absorber

Abstract in English

We analyze relative abundances and ionization conditions in a strong absorption system at z=6.84, seen in the spectrum of the z=7.54 background quasar ULAS J134208.10+092838.61. Singly ionized C, Si, Fe, Mg, and Al measurements are consistent with a warm neutral medium that is metal-poor but not chemically pristine. Firm non-detections of C IV and Si IV imply that any warm ionized phase of the IGM or CGM has not yet been enriched past the ultra-metal-poor regime (<0.001Z_{solar}), unlike lower redshift DLAs where these lines are nearly ubiquitous. Relative abundances of the heavy elements 794 Myr after the Big Bang resemble those of metal-poor damped Lyman Alpha systems at intermediate redshift and Milky Way halo stars, and show no evidence of enhanced [alpha/Fe], [C/Fe] or other signatures of yields dominated by massive stars. A detection of the CII* fine structure line reveals local sources of excitation from heating, beyond the level of photo-excitation supplied by the CMB. We estimate the total and [CII] cooling rates, balancing against ISM heating sources to develop an heuristic two-phase model of the neutral medium. The implied heating requires a surface density of star formation slightly exceeding that of the Milky Way but not at the level of a strong starburst. For a typical (assumed) NHI=10^{20.6}, an abundance of [Fe/H]=-2.2 matches the columns of species in the neutral phase. To remain undetected in C IV, a warm ionized phase would either need much lower [C/H]<-4.2 over an absorption path of 1 kpc, or else a very small absorption path (a few pc). While still speculative, these results suggest a significant reduction in heavy element enrichment outside of neutral star forming regions of the ISM, as would be expected in early stages of galactic chemical evolution.
