Complex two-mode quadratures -- a unified formalism for continuous-variable quantum optics

Abstract in English

Quantum squeezing, a major resource for quantum information processing and quantum metrology, is best analyzed in terms of the field quadratures - the quantum optical analogues of position and momentum, which form the continuous-variable formalism of quantum light. Degenerate squeezing admits a very helpful and simple description in terms of the single-mode quadrature operators, but the non-degenerate case, i.e. when the squeezing involves pairs of modes, requires a more complicated treatment involving correlations between the quadratures of the different modes. We introduce a generalized set of complex quadrature operators that treats degenerate and non-degenerate squeezing on equal footing. We describe the mode-pairs (and photon-pairs) as a single entity, generalizing the concept of single-mode quadrature operators to two-mode fields of any bandwidth. These complex operators completely describe the SU(1,1) algebra of two-photon devices and directly relate to observable physical quantities, like power and visibility. Based on this formalism, we discuss the measurement of optically-broad squeezed signals with direct detection, and present a compact set of phase-dependent observables that completely and intuitively determine the two-mode squeezed state, and quantify the degree of inseparability and entanglement between the modes.
