Cohomology of configuration spaces on punctured varieties

Abstract in English

Given a smooth quasiprojective variety $Y$ over $mathbb C$ that is not projective, consider its unordered configuration spaces $mathrm{Conf}^n(Y)$ for $ngeq 0$. Remove a point $P$ of $Y$ and obtain a one-puncture $Y-P$ of $Y$. We give a decomposition formula that computes the singular cohomology groups of $mathrm{Conf}^n(Y-P)$ in terms of those of $mathrm{Conf}^m(Y); (0leq mleq n)$, and prove it for several families of examples of $Y$, including the case where $Y$ is obtained from a smooth projective variety by puncturing one or more points. This formula keeps track of the mixed Hodge structures of the cohomology groups as well. This result simultaneously implies a result of Kallel involving Betti numbers and a consequence of a combinatorial property of configuration spaces due to Vakil and Wood. We also obtain intermediate results involving ordered configuration spaces that potentially work for more examples of $Y$.
