Spatial symmetries of quantum systems leads to important effects in spectroscopy, such as selection rules and dark states. Motivated by the increasing strength of light-matter interaction achieved in recent experiments, we investigate a set of dynamically-generalized symmetries for quantum systems, which are subject to a strong periodic driving. Based on Floquet response theory, we study rotational, particle-hole, chiral and time-reversal symmetries and their signatures in spectroscopy, including symmetry-protected dark states (spDS), a Floquet band selection rule (FBSR), and symmetry-induced transparency (siT). Specifically, a dynamical rotational symmetry establishes dark state conditions, as well as selection rules for inelastic light scattering processes; a particle-hole symmetry introduces dark states for symmetry related Floquet states and also a transparency effect at quasienergy crossings; chiral symmetry and time-reversal symmetry alone do not imply dark state conditions, but can be combined to the particle-hole symmetry. Our predictions reveal new physical phenomena when a quantum system reaches the strong light-matter coupling regime, important for superconducting qubits, atoms and molecules in optical or plasmonic field cavities, and optomechanical systems.