Yet another test of Radial Acceleration Relation for galaxy clusters

Abstract in English

We carry out a test of the radial acceleration relation (RAR) for galaxy clusters from two different catalogs compiled in literature, as an independent cross-check of two recent analyses, which reached opposite conclusions. The datasets we considered include a Chandra sample of 12 clusters and the X-COP sample of 12 clusters. For both the samples, we find that the residual scatter is small (0.11-0.14 dex), although the best-fit values for the Chandra sample have large error bars. Therefore, we argue that at least one of these cluster samples (X-COP) obeys the radial acceleration relation. However, since the best-fit parameters are discrepant with each other as well as the previous estimates, we argue that the RAR is not universal. For both the catalogs, the acceleration scale, which we obtain is about an order of magnitude larger than that obtained for galaxies, and is agreement with both the recent estimates.
