Nonlocality, steering and quantum state tomography in a single experiment

Abstract in English

We investigate whether paradigmatic measurements for quantum state tomography, namely mutually unbiased bases and symmetric informationally complete measurements, can be employed to certify quantum correlations. For this purpose, we identify a simple and noise-robust correlation witness for entanglement detection, steering and nonlocality that can be evaluated based on the outcome statistics obtained in the tomography experiment. This allows us to perform state tomography on entangled qutrits, a test of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering and a Bell inequality test, all within a single experiment. We also investigate the trade-off between quantum correlations and subsets of tomographically complete measurements as well as the quantification of entanglement in the different scenarios. Finally, we perform a photonics experiment in which we demonstrate quantum correlations under these flexible assumptions, namely with both parties trusted, one party untrusted and both parties untrusted.
