Light-Induced Valleytronics in Pristine Graphene

Abstract in English

Electrons in two-dimensional hexagonal materials have valley degree of freedom, which can be used to encode and process quantum information. The valley-selective excitations, governed by the circularly polarised light resonant with the materials band-gap, continues to be the foundation of valleytronics. It is often assumed that achieving valley selective excitation in pristine graphene with all-optical means is not possible due to the inversion symmetry of the system. Here we demonstrate that both valley-selective excitation and valley-selective high-harmonic generation can be achieved in pristine graphene by using the combination of two counter-rotating circularly polarized fields, the fundamental and its second harmonic. Controlling the relative phase between the two colours allows us to select the valleys where the electron-hole pairs and higher-order harmonics are generated. We also describe an all-optical method for measuring valley polarization in graphene with a weak probe pulse. This work offers a robust recipe to write and read valley-selective electron excitations in materials with zero bandgap and zero Berry curvature.
