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We propose a method to examine how a parton shower sums large logarithms. In this method, one works with an appropriate integral transform of the distribution for the observable of interest. Then, one reformulates the parton shower so as to obtain the transformed distribution as an exponential for which one can compute the terms in the perturbative expansion of the exponent. We apply this general program to the thrust distribution in electron-positron annihilation, using several shower algorithms. Of the approaches that we use, the most generally applicable is to compute some of the perturbative coefficients in the exponent by numerical integration and to test whether they are consistent with next-to-leading-log summation of the thrust logarithms.
In a companion publication, we have explored how to examine the summation of large logarithms in a parton shower. Here, we apply this general program to the thrust distribution in electron-positron annihilation, using several shower algorithms. The method is to work with an appropriate integral transform of the distribution for the observable of interest. Then, we reformulate the parton shower calculation so as to obtain the transformed distribution as an exponential for which we can compute the terms in the perturbative expansion of the exponent.
We present the determination of Transverse Momentum Dependent (TMD) parton distributions from Monte Carlo parton showers. We investigate the effective TMD distributions obtained from the PYTHIA8 and HERWIG6 parton showers and compare them to the TMD distributions determined within the Parton Branching method.
Initial state evolution in parton shower event generators involves parton distribution functions. We examine the probability for the system to evolve from a higher scale to a lower scale without an initial state splitting. A simple argument suggests that this probability, when multiplied by the ratio of the parton distributions at the two scales, should be independent of the parton distribution functions. We call this the PDF property. We examine whether the PDF property actually holds using Pythia and Deductor. We also test a related property for the Deductor shower and discuss the physics behind the results.
We specify recursive equations that could be used to generate a lowest order parton shower for hard scattering in hadron-hadron collisions. The formalism is based on the factorization soft and collinear interactions from relatively harder interactions in QCD amplitudes. It incorporates quantum interference between different amplitudes in those cases in which the interference diagrams have leading soft or collinear singularities. It incorporates the color and spin information carried by partons emerging from a hard interaction. One motivation for this work is to have a method that can naturally cooperate with next-to-leading order calculations.
A Monte-Carlo event-generator has been developed which is dedicated to simulate electron-positron annihilations. Especially a new approach for the combination of matrix elements and parton showers ensures the independence of the hadronization parameters from the CMS energy. This enables for the first time the description of multijet-topologies, e.g. four jet angles, over a wide range of energy, without changing any parameter of the model. Covering all processes of the standard model our simulator is capable to describe experiments at present and future accelerators, i.e. the LEP collider and a possible Next Linear Collider(NLC).