Room Temperature Atomic Frequency Comb Memory for Light

Abstract in English

We demonstrate coherent storage and retrieval of pulsed light using the atomic frequency comb quantum memory protocol in a room temperature alkali vapour. We utilise velocity-selective optical pumping to prepare multiple velocity classes in the $F=4$ hyperfine ground state of caesium. The frequency spacing of the classes is chosen to coincide with the $F=4 - F=5$ hyperfine splitting of the $6^2$P$_{3/2}$ excited state resulting in a broadband periodic absorbing structure consisting of two usually Doppler-broadened optical transitions. Weak coherent states of duration $2,mathrm{ns}$ are mapped into this atomic frequency comb with pre-programmed recall times of $8,mathrm{ns}$ and $12,mathrm{ns}$, with multi-temporal mode storage and recall demonstrated. Utilising two transitions in the comb leads to an additional interference effect upon rephasing that enhances the recall efficiency.
