Hydrodynamic effective field theory and the analyticity of hydrostatic correlators

Abstract in English

We study one-loop corrections to retarded and symmetric hydrostatic correlation functions within the Schwinger-Keldysh effective field theory framework for relativistic hydrodynamics, focusing on charge diffusion. We first consider the simplified setup with only diffusive charge density fluctuations, and then augment it with momentum fluctuations in a model where the sound modes can be ignored. We show that the loop corrections, which generically induce non-analyticities and long-range effects at finite frequency, non-trivially preserve analyticity of retarded correlation functions in spatial momentum due to the KMS constraint, as a manifestation of thermal screening. For the purposes of this analysis, we develop an interacting field theory for diffusive hydrodynamics, seen as a limit of relativistic hydrodynamics in the absence of temperature and longitudinal velocity fluctuations.
