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New regional stratigraphic insights from a 3D geological model of the Nasia sub-basin, Ghana, developed for hydrogeological purposes and based on reprocessed B-field data originally collected for mineral exploration

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 Added by Giulio Vignoli
 Publication date 2020
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Reprocessing of regional-scale airborne electromagnetic data (AEM) is used to build a 3D geomodel of the Nasia sub-basin. The resulting 3D geomodel integrates all the prior pieces of information brought by electromagnetic data, lithologic logs, and prior geological knowledge. The AEM data, consisting of GEOTEM B-field data, were originally collected for mineral exploration. Thus, those B-field data had to be (re)processed and properly inverted as the original survey and data handling were designed for the detection of potential mineral targets and not for detailed geological mapping. These new

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Regional characterization of the continental crust has classically been performed through either geologic mapping, geochemical sampling, or geophysical surveys. Rarely are these techniques fully integrated, due to limits of data coverage, quality, and/or incompatible datasets. We combine geologic observations, geochemical sampling, and geophysical surveys to create a coherent 3-D geologic model of a 50 x 50 km upper crustal region surrounding the SNOLAB underground physics laboratory in Canada, which includes the Southern Province, the Superior Province, the Sudbury Structure and the Grenville Front Tectonic Zone. Nine representative aggregate units of exposed lithologies are geologically characterized, geophysically constrained, and probed with 109 rock samples supported by compiled geochemical databases. A detailed study of the lognormal distributions of U and Th abundances and of their correlation permits a bivariate analysis for a robust treatment of the uncertainties. A downloadable 3D numerical model of U and Th distribution defines an average heat production of 1.5$^{+1.4}_{-0.7}$$mu$W/m$^{3}$, and predicts a contribution of 7.7$^{+7.7}_{-3.0}$TNU (a Terrestrial Neutrino Unit is one geoneutrino event per 10$^{32}$ target protons per year) out of a crustal geoneutrino signal of 31.1$^{+8.0}_{-4.5}$TNU. The relatively high local crust geoneutrino signal together with its large variability strongly restrict the SNO+ capability of experimentally discriminating among BSE compositional models of the mantle. Future work to constrain the crustal heat production and the geoneutrino signal at SNO+ will be inefficient without more detailed geophysical characterization of the 3D structure of the heterogeneous Huronian Supergroup, which contributes the largest uncertainty to the calculation.
120 - Hao Deng , Yang Zheng , Jin Chen 2021
The three-dimensional (3D) geological models are the typical and key data source in the 3D mineral prospecitivity modeling. Identifying prospectivity-informative predictor variables from the 3D geological models is a challenging and tedious task. Motivated by the ability of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to learn the intrinsic features, in this paper, we present a novel method that leverages CNNs to learn 3D mineral prospectivity from the 3D geological models. By exploiting the learning ability of CNNs, the presented method allows for disentangling complex correlation to the mineralization and thus opens a door to circumvent the tedious work for designing the predictor variables. Specifically, to explore the unstructured 3D geological models with the CNNs whose input should be structured, we develop a 2D CNN framework in which the geometry of geological boundary is compiled and reorganized into multi-channel images and fed into the CNN. This ensures an effective and efficient training of CNNs while allowing the prospective model to approximate the ore-forming process. The presented method is applied to a typical structure-controlled hydrothermal deposit, the Dayingezhuang gold deposit, eastern China, in which the presented method was compared with the prospectivity modeling methods using hand-designed predictor variables. The results demonstrate the presented method capacitates a performance boost of the 3D prospectivity modeling and empowers us to decrease work-load and prospecting risk in prediction of deep-seated orebodies.
Manual interpretation of data collected from drill holes for mineral or oil and gas exploration is time-consuming and subjective. Identification of geological boundaries and distinctive rock physical property domains is the first step of interpretation. We introduce a multivariate technique, that can identify geological boundaries from petrophysical or geochemical data. The method is based on time-series techniques that have been adapted to be applicable for detecting transitions in geological spatial data. This method allows for the use of multiple variables in detecting different lithological layers. Additionally, it reconstructs the phase space of a single drill-hole or well to be applicable for further investigations across other holes or wells. The computationally cheap method shows efficiency and accuracy in detecting boundaries between lithological layers, which we demonstrate using examples from mineral exploration boreholes and an offshore gas exploration well.
119 - Keith Andrew 2009
Utilizing data available from the Kentucky Geonet ( the fossil fuel mining locations created by the Kentucky Geological Survey geo-locating oil and gas wells are mapped using ESRI ArcGIS in Kentucky single plain 1602 ft projection. This data was then exported into a spreadsheet showing latitude and longitude for each point to be used for modeling at different scales to determine the fractal dimension of the set. Following the porosity and diffusivity studies of Tarafdar and Roy1 we extract fractal dimensions of the fossil fuel mining locations and search for evidence of scaling laws for the set of deposits. The Levy index is used to determine a match to a statistical mechanically motivated generalized probability function for the wells. This probability distribution corresponds to a solution of a dynamical anomalous diffusion equation of fractional order that describes the Levy paths which can be solved in the diffusion limit by the Fox H function ansatz.
Data assimilation in subsurface flow systems is challenging due to the large number of flow simulations often required, and by the need to preserve geological realism in the calibrated (posterior) models. In this work we present a deep-learning-based surrogate model for two-phase flow in 3D subsurface formations. This surrogate model, a 3D recurrent residual U-Net (referred to as recurrent R-U-Net), consists of 3D convolutional and recurrent (convLSTM) neural networks, designed to capture the spatial-temporal information associated with dynamic subsurface flow systems. A CNN-PCA procedure (convolutional neural network post-processing of principal component analysis) for parameterizing complex 3D geomodels is also described. This approach represents a simplified version of a recently developed supervised-learning-based CNN-PCA framework. The recurrent R-U-Net is trained on the simulated dynamic 3D saturation and pressure fields for a set of random `channelized geomodels (generated using 3D CNN-PCA). Detailed flow predictions demonstrate that the recurrent R-U-Net surrogate model provides accurate results for dynamic states and well responses for new geological realizations, along with accurate flow statistics for an ensemble of new geomodels. The 3D recurrent R-U-Net and CNN-PCA procedures are then used in combination for a challenging data assimilation problem involving a channelized system. Two different algorithms, namely rejection sampling and an ensemble-based method, are successfully applied. The overall methodology described in this paper may enable the assessment and refinement of data assimilation procedures for a range of realistic and challenging subsurface flow problems.
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