The GALAH survey: Milky Way disc metallicity and alpha-abundance trends in combined APOGEE-GALAH catalogues

Abstract in English

GALAH and APOGEE are two high resolution multi object spectroscopic surveys that provide fundamental stellar parameters and multiple elemental abundance estimates for $>$ 400,000 stars in the Milky Way. They are complimentary in both sky coverage and wavelength regime. Thus combining the two surveys will provide us a large sample to investigate the disc metallicity and alpha abundance trends. We use the Cannon data-driven approach selecting training sets from among $sim$20,000 stars in common for the two surveys to predict the GALAH scaled stellar parameters from APOGEE spectra as well as APOGEE scaled stellar parameters from GALAH spectra. We provide two combined catalogues with GALAH scaled and APOGEE scaled stellar parameters each having $sim$500,000 stars after quality cuts. With $sim$470,000 stars that are common in both these catalogues, we compare the GALAH scaled and APOGEE scaled metallicity distribution functions (MDF), radial and vertical metallicity gradients as well as the variation of [$alpha$/Fe] vs [Fe/H] trends along and away from the Galactic mid plane. We find mean metallicities of APOGEE scaled sample to be higher compared to that for the GALAH scaled sample. We find similar [$alpha$/Fe] vs [Fe/H] trends using both samples consistent with previous observational as well as simulation based studies. Radial and vertical metallicity gradients derived using the two survey scaled samples are consistent except in the inner and outer Galactocentric radius bins. Our gradient estimates in the solar neighborhood are also consistent with previous studies and are backed by larger sample size compared to previous works.
