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An Orthogonality Principle for Select-Maximum Estimation of Exponential Variables

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 Added by Jan Ostergaard
 Publication date 2020
and research's language is English

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It was recently proposed to encode the one-sided exponential source X via K parallel channels, Y1, ..., YK , such that the error signals X - Yi, i = 1,...,K, are one-sided exponential and mutually independent given X. Moreover, it was shown that the optimal estimator hat{Y} of the source X with respect to the one-sided error criterion, is simply given by the maximum of the outputs, i.e., hat{Y} = max{Y1,..., YK}. In this paper, we show that the distribution of the resulting estimation error X - hat{Y} , is equivalent to that of the optimum noise in the backward test-channel of the one-sided exponential source, i.e., it is one-sided exponentially distributed and statistically independent of the joint output Y1,...,YK.

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92 - Ran Hadad , Uri Erez , 2017
An inequality is derived for the correlation of two univariate functions operating on symmetric bivariate normal random variables. The inequality is a simple consequence of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality.
211 - Johannes Rauh 2009
This paper investigates maximizers of the information divergence from an exponential family $E$. It is shown that the $rI$-projection of a maximizer $P$ to $E$ is a convex combination of $P$ and a probability measure $P_-$ with disjoint support and the same value of the sufficient statistics $A$. This observation can be used to transform the original problem of maximizing $D(cdot||E)$ over the set of all probability measures into the maximization of a function $Dbar$ over a convex subset of $ker A$. The global maximizers of both problems correspond to each other. Furthermore, finding all local maximizers of $Dbar$ yields all local maximizers of $D(cdot||E)$. This paper also proposes two algorithms to find the maximizers of $Dbar$ and applies them to two examples, where the maximizers of $D(cdot||E)$ were not known before.
181 - Michael B. Baer 2011
We present new lower and upper bounds for the compression rate of binary prefix codes optimized over memoryless sources according to two related exponential codeword length objectives. The objectives explored here are exponential-average length and exponential-average redundancy. The first of these relates to various problems involving queueing, uncertainty, and lossless communications, and it can be reduced to the second, which has properties more amenable to analysis. These bounds, some of which are tight, are in terms of a form of entropy and/or the probability of an input symbol, improving on recently discovered bounds of similar form. We also observe properties of optimal codes over the exponential-average redundancy utility.
Nonlocality is arguably one of the most fundamental and counterintuitive aspects of quantum theory. Nonlocal correlations could, however, be even more nonlocal than quantum theory allows, while still complying with basic physical principles such as no-signaling. So why is quantum mechanics not as nonlocal as it could be? Are there other physical or information-theoretic principles which prohibit this? So far, the proposed answers to this question have been only partially successful, partly because they are lacking genuinely multipartite formulations. In Nat. Comm. 4, 2263 (2013) we introduced the principle of Local Orthogonality (LO), an intrinsically multipartite principle which is satisfied by quantum mechanics but is violated by non-physical correlations. Here we further explore the LO principle, presenting new results and explaining some of its subtleties. In particular, we show that the set of no-signaling boxes satisfying LO is closed under wirings, present a classification of all LO inequalities in certain scenarios, show that all extremal tripartite boxes with two binary measurements per party violate LO, and explain the connection between LO inequalities and unextendible product bases.
Order statistics find applications in various areas of communications and signal processing. In this paper, we introduce an unified analytical framework to determine the joint statistics of partial sums of ordered random variables (RVs). With the proposed approach, we can systematically derive the joint statistics of any partial sums of ordered statistics, in terms of the moment generating function (MGF) and the probability density function (PDF). Our MGF-based approach applies not only when all the K ordered RVs are involved but also when only the Ks (Ks < K) best RVs are considered. In addition, we present the closed-form expressions for the exponential RV special case. These results apply to the performance analysis of various wireless communication systems over fading channels.
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