Strong in-plane magnetic field induced reemergent superconductivity in the van der Waals heterointerface of NbSe2 and CrCl3

Abstract in English

A magnetic field is generally considered to be incompatible with superconductivity as it tends to spin-polarize electrons and breaks apart the opposite-spin singlet superconducting Cooper pairs. Here, an experimental phenomenon is observed that an intriguing reemergent superconductivity evolves from a conventional superconductivity undergoing a hump-like intermediate phase with a finite electric resistance in the van der Waals heterointerface of layered NbSe2 and CrCl3 flakes. This phenomenon merely occurred when the applied magnetic field is parallel to the sample plane and perpendicular to the electric current direction as compared to the reference sample of a NbSe2 thin flake. The strong anisotropy of the reemergent superconducting phase is pointed to the nature of the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) state driven by the strong interfacial spin-orbit coupling between NbSe2 and CrCl3 layers. The theoretical picture of FFLO state nodes induced by Josephson vortices collectively pinning is presented for well understanding the experimental observation of the reemergent superconductivity. This finding sheds light on an opportunity to search for the exotic FFLO state in the van der Waals heterostructures with strong interfacial spin-orbit coupling.
