Tunable electron-phonon interactions in long-period superlattices

Abstract in English

The efficiency of optical emitters can be dramatically enhanced by reducing the effective mode volume (the Purcell effect). Here we predict an analogous enhancement for electron-phonon (el-ph) scattering, achieved by compressing the electronic Wannier orbitals. Reshaping of Wannier orbitals is a prominent effect in graphene moire superlattices (SLs) where the orbitals are tunable by the twist angle. A reduction of the orbital effective volume leads to an enhancement in the effective el-ph coupling strength, yielding the values considerably bigger than those known for pristine monolayer graphene. The enhanced coupling boosts the el-ph scattering rates, pushing them above the values predicted from the enhanced spectral density of electronic excitations. The enhanced phonon emission and scattering rates are manifest in the observables such as electron-lattice cooling and the linear-$T$ resistivity, both of which are directly tunable by the moire twist angle.
