The study of calibration for the hybrid pixel detector with single photon counting in HEPS-BPIX

Abstract in English

The calibration process for the hybrid array pixel detector designed for High Energy Photon Source in China, we called HEPS-BPIX, is presented in this paper. Based on the threshold scanning, the relationship between energy and threshold is quantified for the threshold calibration. For the threshold trimming, the precise algorithm basing on LDAC characteristic and fast algorithm basing on LDAC scanning are proposed in this paper to study the performance of the threshold DACs which will be applied to the pixel. The threshold dispersion has been reduced from 46.28 mV without algorithm to 6.78 mV with the precise algorithm, whereas it is 7.61 mV with fast algorithm. For the temperature from 5 to 60 , the threshold dispersion of precise algorithm varies in the range of about 5.69 mV, whereas it is about 33.21 mV with the fast algorithm which can be re-corrected to 1.49 mV. The measurement results show that the fast algorithm could get the applicable threshold dispersion for a silicon pixel module and take a shorter time, while the precise algorithm could get better threshold dispersion, but time consuming. The temperature dependence of the silicon pixel module noise is also studied to assess the detector working status. The minimum detection energy can be reduced about 0.83 keV at a 20 lower temperature.
