We consider the effect of density dependent dark matter on the neutron star mass, radius, and tidal deformability. Nuclear matter (normal matter) as well as the fermionic dark matter sector is considered in a mean field model. We adopt the two fluid formalism to investigate the effect of dark matter on the neutron star properties. In the two fluid picture, there is no direct interaction between the dark matter and the nuclear matter. Rather these two sectors interact only through gravitational interaction. The nuclear matter sector is described by the $sigma-omega-rho$ meson interaction in the FSU2R parameterization. In the dark matter sector, we use the Bayesian parameter optimization technique to fix the unknown parameters in the dark matter equation of state. In the two fluid picture, we solve the coupled Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff (TOV) equations to obtain the mass and radius of dark matter admixed neutron stars (DANSs). We also estimate the effect of the density dependent dark matter sector on the tidal deformability of dark matter admixed neutron stars (DANSs).