No two rainbows are the same. Neither are two packs of Skittles. Enjoy an odd mix!. Using an interpretation via spatial random walks, we quantify the probability that two randomly selected packs of Skittles candy are identical and determine the expected number of packs one has to purchase until the first match. We believe this problem to be appealing for middle and high school students as well as undergraduate students at University.
The Monty Hall problem is the TV game scenario where you, the contestant, are presented with three doors, with a car hidden behind one and goats hidden behind the other two. After you select a door, the host (Monty Hall) opens a second door to reveal a goat. You are then invited to stay with your original choice of door, or to switch to the remaining unopened door, and claim whatever you find behind it. Assuming your objective is to win the car, is your best strategy to stay or switch, or does it not matter? Jason Rosenhouse has provided the definitive analysis of this game, along with several intriguing variations, and discusses some of its psychological and philosophical implications. This extended review examines several themes from the book in some detail from a Bayesian perspective, and points out one apparently inadvertent error.
The maximal subgroup of unipotent upper-triangular matrices of the finite general linear groups are a fundamental family of $p$-groups. Their representation theory is well-known to be wild, but there is a standard supercharacter theory, replacing irreducible representations by super-representations, that gives us some control over its representation theory. While this theory has a beautiful underlying combinatorics built on set partitions, the structure constants of restricted super-representations remain mysterious. This paper proposes a new approach to solving the restriction problem by constructing natural intermediate modules that help factor the computation of the structure constants. We illustrate the technique by solving the problem completely in the case of rainbow supercharacters (and some generalizations). Along the way we introduce a new $q$-analogue of the binomial coefficients that depend on an underlying poset.