Ultrahigh-speed optical coherence tomography based on a 100 MHz and 100 nm swept source

Abstract in English

We demonstrate an ultrahigh-speed optical coherence tomography (OCT) based on a 100 MHz swept source (SS). An all polarization-maintaining figure-9 mode-locked fiber laser is used as the seed laser. After nonlinear spectral expansion in an Erbium-doped fiber amplifier, a flat top spectrum with respectively 1-dB and 10-dB bandwidths of 73.7 nm and 106 nm is obtained. The broadband femtosecond pulse is time stretched to a swept signal in a section of dispersion compensation fiber with a total dispersion of -84 ps/nm. With the swept source, the axial resolution of the SS-OCT is measured to be 21 um with a 6 dB sensitivity roll-off length of 3 mm. A tomographic image of an encoding disk and a hard disk jointly rotating at 17,000 rpm was acquired by using the SS-OCT with a high imaging quality.
