Photo-bioconvection: towards light-control of flows in active suspensions

Abstract in English

The persistent motility of the individual constituents in microbial suspensions represents a prime example of so-called active matter systems. Cells consume energy, exert forces and move, overall releasing the constraints of equilibrium statistical mechanics of passive elements and allowing for complex spatio-temporal patterns to emerge. Moreover, when subject to physico-chemical stimuli their collective behaviour often drives large scale instabilities of hydrodynamic nature, with implications for biomixing in natural environments and incipient industrial applications. In turn, our ability for external control of these driving stimuli could be used to govern the emerging patterns. Light, being easily manipulable and, at the same time, an important stimulus for a wide variety of microorganisms, is particularly well suited to this end. In this paper, we will discuss the current state, developments, and some of the emerging advances in the fundamentals and applications of light-induced bioconvection with a focus on recent experimental realisations and modelling efforts.
