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We provide a non-recursive, combinatorial classification of multiplicity-free skew Schur polynomials. These polynomials are $GL_n$, and $SL_n$, characters of the skew Schur modules. Our result extends work of H. Thomas--A. Yong, and C. Gutschwager, in which they classify the multiplicity-free skew Schur functions.
We prove Stanleys conjecture that, if delta_n is the staircase shape, then the skew Schur functions s_{delta_n / mu} are non-negative sums of Schur P-functions. We prove that the coefficients in this sum count certain fillings of shifted shapes. In particular, for the skew Schur function s_{delta_n / delta_{n-2}}, we discuss connections with Eulerian numbers and alternating permutations.
Cylindric skew Schur functions, a generalization of skew Schur functions, are closely related to the famous problem finding a combinatorial formula for the 3-point Gromov-Witten invariants of Grassmannian. In this paper, we prove cylindric Schur positivity of the cylindric skew Schur functions, conjectured by McNamara. We also show that all coefficients appearing in the expansion are the same as $3$-point Gromov-Witten invariants. We start discussing properties of affine Stanley symmetric functions for general affine permutations and $321$-avoiding affine permutations, and explain how these functions are related to cylindric skew Schur functions. We also provide an effective algorithm to compute the expansion of the cylindric skew Schur functions in terms of the cylindric Schur functions, and the expansion of affine Stanley symmetric functions in terms of affine Schur functions.
The main purpose of this paper is to show that the multiplication of a Schubert polynomial of finite type $A$ by a Schur function, which we refer to as Schubert vs. Schur problem, can be understood from the multiplication in the space of dual $k$-Schur functions. Using earlier work by the second author, we encode both problems by means of quasisymmetric functions. On the Schubert vs. Schur side, we study the poset given by the Bergeron-Sottiles $r$-Bruhat order, along with certain operators associated to this order. On the other side, we connect this poset with a graph on dual $k$-Schur functions given by studying the affine grassmannian order of Lam-Lapointe-Morse-Shimozono. Also, we define operators associated to the graph on dual $k$-Schur functions which are analogous to the ones given for the Schubert vs. Schur problem.
A classical result by Schoenberg (1942) identifies all real-valued functions that preserve positive semidefiniteness (psd) when applied entrywise to matrices of arbitrary dimension. Schoenbergs work has continued to attract significant interest, including renewed recent attention due to applications in high-dimensional statistics. However, despite a great deal of effort in the area, an effective characterization of entrywise functions preserving positivity in a fixed dimension remains elusive to date. As a first step, we characterize new classes of polynomials preserving positivity in fixed dimension. The proof of our main result is representation theoretic, and employs Schur polynomials. An alternate, variational approach also leads to several interesting consequences including (a) a hitherto unexplored Schubert cell-type stratification of the cone of psd matrices, (b) new connections between generalized Rayleigh quotients of Hadamard powers and Schur polynomials, and (c) a description of the joint kernels of Hadamard powers.
The braid arrangement is the Coxeter arrangement of the type $A_ell$. The Shi arrangement is an affine arrangement of hyperplanes consisting of the hyperplanes of the braid arrangement and their parallel translations. In this paper, we give an explicit basis construction for the derivation module of the cone over the Shi arrangement. The essential ingredient of our recipe is the Bernoulli polynomials.