Performance of the LAGO water Cherenkov detectors to cosmic ray flux

Abstract in English

The Latin American Giant Observatory (LAGO) is a distributed cosmic ray observatory that spans over Latin America in a wide range of latitudes and altitudes. One of the main goals of LAGO is to study atmospheric radiation and space weather through the measurement of the secondary particles from cosmic ray flux at ground level using Water Cherenkov Detectors (WCD). Thus, due to differences in the local geomagnetic rigidity cut-off affecting the low energy cosmic rays impinging on the atmosphere and the well-known relation between altitude and the development of the extended atmospheric showers, different secondary particle fluxes are expected at each LAGO site. It is therefore crucial for our objectives to be able to determine the expected flux of secondary particles at any place in the World and for any geomagnetic or atmospheric conditions. To characterize the response of a particular LAGO site we developed ARTI, a complete framework intended to simulate the WCD signals produced by the interaction of the secondary inside the detector. ARTI comprises a simulation sequence by integrating three different simulation tools: a) Magnetocosmics, to account for the geomagnetic field effects on the primary flux; b) CORSIKA, to simulate the atmospheric showers originated on the complete flux of cosmic rays and, thus, to estimate the expected flux of secondary particle at the site; and c) Geant4, for simulating the LAGO detectors response to this secondary flux. In this work, we show the usage of the ARTI framework by calculating the expected flux of signals at eight LAGO sites, covering a wide range of altitudes and rigidity cut-offs to emphasize the capabilities of the LAGO network spanning over Latin America. These results show that we are able to estimate the response of any water Cherenkov detector located at any place in the World, even under evolving atmospheric and geomagnetic conditions.
