Roton instabilities in the superfluid outer core of neutron stars

Abstract in English

We study the superfluid dynamics of the outer core of neutron stars by means of a hydrodynamic model made of a neutronic superfluid and a protonic superconductor, coupled by both the dynamic entrainment and the Skyrme SLy4 nucleon-nucleon interactions. The resulting nonlinear equations of motion are probed in the search for dynamical instabilities triggered by the relative motion of the superfluids that could be related to observed timing anomalies in pulsars. Through linear analysis, the origin and expected growth of the instabilities is explored for varying nuclear-matter density. Differently from previous findings, the dispersion of linear excitations in our model shows rotonic structures below the pair-breaking energy threshold, which lies at the origin of the dynamical instabilities, and could eventually lead to emergent vorticity along with modulations of the superfluid density.
