Comparison between renormalization group derived emergent dual holography and string theory based holographic duality

Abstract in English

To clarify the mathematical structure of the RG-derived holographic dual field theory, we rewrite the string-theory based conventionally utilized dual holographic effective field theory based on the ADM decomposition of the metric tensor. This comparison leads us to claim that the RG-derived emergent holographic dual field theory takes into account higher-derivative curvature terms with gauge fixing in the string-theory based conventionally utilized Einstein-Klein-Gordon theory, giving rise to the RG flow of the metric tensor beyond the AdS (anti-de Sitter space) geometry. Furthermore, we compare the Hamilton-Jacobi equation for the effective IR on-shell action of the string-theory based conventionally utilized dual holographic effective theory with that of the RG-based holographic dual field theory. It turns out that the effective IR on-shell action of the string-theory based dual holography can be identified with the IR boundary effective action of the RG-based emergent holographic dual description, where the Wilsonian RG-transformation procedure may be regarded as an inverse process of the holographic renormalization. This demonstration leads us to propose an effective dual holographic field theory with the diffeomorphism invariance and higher derivative curvature terms, where the IR boundary condition is newly introduced to clarify the deep connection between UV microscopic and IR macroscopic degrees of freedom.
