Turbulence and Particle Acceleration in Radiative Shock Waves in the Cygnus Loop II: Development of Postshock Turbulence

Abstract in English

Radiative shock waves in the Cygnus Loop and other supernova remnants show different morphologies in [O III] and H{alpha} emission. We use HST spectra and narrowband images to study the development of turbulence in the cooling region behind a shock on the west limb of the Cygnus Loop. We refine our earlier estimates of shock parameters that were based upon ground-based spectra, including ram pressure, vorticity and magnetic field strength. We apply several techniques, including Fourier power spectra and the Rolling Hough Transform, to quantify the shape of the rippled shock front as viewed in different emission lines. We assess the relative importance of thermal instabilities, the thin shell instability, upstream density variations, and upstream magnetic field variations in producing the observed structure.
