Nematic Antiferromagnetism and Deconfined Criticality from the Interplay between Electron-Phonon and Electron-Electron Interactions

Abstract in English

Systems with strong electron-phonon couplings typically exhibit various forms of charge order, while strong electron-electron interactions lead to magnetism. We use determinant quantum Monte Carlo (DQMC) calculations to solve a model on a square lattice with a caricature of these interactions. In the limit where electron-electron interactions dominate it has antiferromagnetic (AF) order, while where electron-phonon coupling dominates there is columnar valence-bond solid (VBS) order. We find a novel intervening phase that hosts coexisting nematic and antiferromagnetic orders. We have also found evidence of a Landau-forbidden continuous quantum phase transition with an emergent $O(4)$ symmetry between the VBS and the nematic antiferromagnetic phases.
