Room Temperature Coherent Control of Spin Defects in hexagonal Boron Nitride

Abstract in English

Optically active defects in solids with accessible spin states are promising candidates for solid state quantum information and sensing applications. To employ these defects as quantum building blocks, coherent manipulation of their spin state is required. Here we realize coherent control of ensembles of boron vacancy (V$_B^-$) centers in hexagonal boron nitride (hBN). Specifically, by applying pulsed spin resonance protocols, we measure spin-lattice relaxation time ($T_1$) of 18 $mu$s and spin coherence time ($T_2$) of 2 $mu$s at room temperature. The spin-lattice relaxation time increases by three orders of magnitude at cryogenic temperature. Furthermore, employing a two- and three-pulse electron spin-echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) we separate the quadrupole and hyperfine interactions with the surrounding nuclei. Finally, by applying a method to decouple the spin state from its inhomogeneous nuclear environment - a hole-burning - the spectral optically detected magnetic resonance linewidth is significantly reduced to several tens of kHz, thus extending the spin coherence time by a factor of three. Our results are important for employment of van der Waals materials for quantum technologies, specifically in the context of using hBN as a high-resolution quantum sensor for hybrid quantum systems including 2D heterostructures, nanoscale devices and emerging atomically thin magnets.
