Post-CMOS Compatible Aluminum Scandium Nitride/2D Channel Ferroelectric Field-Effect-Transistor

Abstract in English

In 1963, Moll and Tarui suggested that the field-effect conductance of a semiconductor could be controlled by the remanent polarization of a ferroelectric (FE) material to create a ferroelectric field-effect transistor (FE-FET). However, subsequent efforts to produce a practical, compact FE-FET have been plagued by low retention and incompatibility with Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) process integration. These difficulties led to the development of trapped-charge based memory devices (also called floating gate or flash memory), and these are now the mainstream non-volatile memory (NVM) technology. Over the past two decades, advances in oxide FE materials have rejuvenated the field of ferroelectrics and made FE random access memories (FE-RAM) a commercial reality. Despite these advances, commercial FE-RAM based on lead zirconium titanate (PZT) has stalled at the 130 nm due to process challenges.The recent discovery of scandium doped aluminum nitride (AlScN) as a CMOS compatible ferroelectric presents new opportunities for direct memory integration with logic transistors due to the low temperature of AlScN deposition (approx. 350 C). This temperature is compatible with CMOS back end of line processes. Here, we present a FE-FET device composed of an AlScN FE dielectric layer integrated with a channel layer of a van der Waals two-dimensional (2D) semiconductor, MoS2. Our devices show an ON/OFF ratio ~ 10^6, concurrent with a normalized memory window of 0.3 V/nm. The devices also demonstrate stable, two-state memory retention for up to 10^4 seconds. Our simulations and experimental results suggest that the combination of AlScN and 2D semiconductors is nearly ideal for low power FE-FET memory. These results demonstrate a new approach in embedded memory and in-memory computing, and could even lead to effective neuromorphic computing architectures.
