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Eccentric Black Hole Mergers in Active Galactic Nuclei

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 Added by Hiromichi Tagawa
 Publication date 2020
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The astrophysical origin of gravitational wave (GW) transients is a timely open question in the wake of discoveries by LIGO/Virgo. In active galactic nuclei (AGNs), binaries form and evolve efficiently by interaction with a dense population of stars and the gaseous AGN disk. Previous studies have shown that stellar-mass black hole (BH) mergers in such environments can explain the merger rate and the number of suspected hierarchical mergers observed by LIGO/Virgo. The binary eccentricity distribution can provide further information to distinguish between astrophysical models. Here we derive the eccentricity distribution of BH mergers in AGN disks. We find that eccentricity is mainly due to binary-single (BS) interactions, which lead to most BH mergers in AGN disks having a significant eccentricity at $0.01,mathrm{Hz}$, detectable by LISA. If BS interactions occur in isotropic-3D directions, then $8$--$30%$ of the mergers in AGN disks will have eccentricities at $10,mathrm{Hz}$ above $e_{10,rm Hz}gtrsim 0.03$, detectable by LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA, while $5$--$17%$ of mergers have $e_{10,rm Hz}geq 0.3$. On the other hand, if BS interactions are confined to the AGN-disk plane due to torques from the disk, with 1-20 intermediate binary states during each interaction, or if BHs can migrate to $lesssim10^{-3},mathrm{pc}$ from the central supermassive black hole, then $10$--$70%$ of the mergers will be highly eccentric ($e_{10,rm Hz} geq 0.3$), consistent with the possible high eccentricity in GW190521.

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Black hole mergers detected by LIGO and Virgo continue delivering transformational discoveries. The most recent example is the merger GW190521, which is the first detected with component masses exceeding the limit predicted by stellar models, and the first with non-zero orbital eccentricity. The large masses can be explained by build up through successive mergers, which has been suggested to occur efficiently in the gas disks of active galactic nuclei (AGN). The eccentricity, however, is a major puzzle. Here we show that AGN-disk environments naturally lead to a very high fraction of highly eccentric mergers, if interactions between binaries and singles are frequent, and the interactions are constrained to a plane representing the AGN-disk. By deriving a statistical solution to the chaotic 3-body problem with the inclusion of General Relativistic corrections, we find in our fiducial AGN-disk model that up to $sim 70%$ of all black hole mergers could appear with an eccentricity $>0.1$ in LIGO/Virgo. Besides representing the most effective mechanism for producing eccentric mergers presented to date, our results have also profound implications for the origin of GW190521, and open up new lines of research on black hole scatterings in disk environments with far-reaching implications for gravitational wave astrophysics.
The recently discovered gravitational wave sources GW190521 and GW190814 have shown evidence of BH mergers with masses and spins that could be outside of the range expected from isolated stellar evolution. These merging objects could have undergone previous mergers. Such hierarchical mergers are predicted to be frequent in active galactic nuclei (AGN) disks, where binaries form and evolve efficiently by dynamical interactions and gaseous dissipation. Here we compare the properties of these observed events to the theoretical models of mergers in AGN disks, which are obtained by performing one-dimensional $N$-body simulations combined with semi-analytical prescriptions. The high BH masses in GW190521 are consistent with mergers of high-generation (high-g) BHs where the initial progenitor stars had high metallicity, 2g BHs if the original progenitors were metal-poor, or 1g BHs that had gained mass via super-Eddington accretion. Other measured properties related to spin parameters in GW190521 are also consistent with mergers in AGN disks. Furthermore, mergers in the lower mass gap or those with low mass ratio as found in GW190814 and GW190412 are also reproduced by mergers of 2g-1g or 1g-1g objects with significant accretion in AGN disks. Finally, due to gas accretion, the massive neutron star merger reported in GW190425 can be produced in an AGN disk.
Elusive supermassive black hole binaries (SMBHBs) are thought to be the penultimate stage of galaxy mergers, preceding a final coalescence phase. SMBHBs are sources of continuous gravitational waves, possibly detectable by pulsar timing arrays; the identification of candidates could help in performing targeted gravitational wave searches. Due to their origin in the innermost parts of active galactic nuclei (AGN), X-rays are a promising tool to unveil the presence of SMBHBs, by means of either double Fe K$alpha$ emission lines or periodicity in their light curve. Here we report on a new method to select SMBHBs by means of the presence of a periodic signal in their Swift-BAT 105-months light curves. Our technique is based on the Fishers exact g-test and takes into account the possible presence of colored noise. Among the 553 AGN selected for our investigation, only the Seyfert 1.5 Mrk 915 emerged as possible candidate for a SMBHB; from the subsequent analysis of its light curve we find a period $P_0=35pm2$ months, and the null hypothesis is rejected at the $3.7sigma$ confidence level. We also present a detailed analysis of the BAT light curve of the only previously X-ray-selected binary candidate source in the literature, the Seyfert 2 galaxy MCG+11-11-032. We find $P_0=26.3pm0.6$ months, consistent with the one inferred from previously reported double Fe K$alpha$ emission lines.
82 - Johan Samsing 2017
We derive the probability for a newly formed binary black hole (BBH) to undergo an eccentric gravitational wave (GW) merger during binary-single interactions inside a stellar cluster. By integrating over the hardening interactions such a BBH must undergo before ejection, we find that the observable rate of BBH mergers with eccentricity $>0.1$ at $10 rm{Hz}$ relative to the rate of circular mergers can be as high as $sim 5%$ for a typical globular cluster (GC). This further suggests that BBH mergers forming through GW captures in binary-single interactions, eccentric or not, are likely to constitute $sim 10%$ of the total BBH merger rate from GCs. Such GW capture mergers can only be probed with an $N$-body code that includes General Relativistic corrections, which explains why recent Newtonian cluster studies not have been able to resolve this population. Finally, we show that the relative rate of eccentric BBH mergers depends on the compactness of their host cluster, suggesting that an observed eccentricity distribution can be used to probe the origin of BBH mergers.
215 - Laura Brenneman 2013
Measuring the spins of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in active galactic nuclei (AGN) can inform us about the relative role of gas accretion vs. mergers in recent epochs of the life of the host galaxy and its AGN. Recent advances in theory and observation have enabled spin measurements for a handful of SMBHs thus far, but this science is still very much in its infancy. Herein, I discuss how and why we seek to measure black hole spin in AGN, using recent results from long X-ray observing campaigns on three radio-quiet AGN (MCG-6-30-15, NGC 3783 and Fairall 9) to illustrate this process and its caveats. I then present our current knowledge of the distribution of SMBH spins in the local universe. I also address prospects for improving the accuracy, precision and quantity of these spin constraints in the next decade and beyond with instruments such as NuSTAR, Astro-H and a future generation large-area X-ray telescope.
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