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The impact of the halo spin-concentration relation on disc scaling laws

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 Added by Lorenzo Posti
 Publication date 2020
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Galaxy scaling laws, such as the Tully-Fisher, mass-size and Fall relations, can provide extremely useful clues on our understanding of galaxy formation in a cosmological context. Some of these relations are extremely tight and well described by one single parameter (mass), despite the theoretical existence of secondary parameters such as spin and concentration, which are believed to impact these relations. In fact, the residuals of these scaling laws appear to be almost uncorrelated with each other, posing significant constraints on models where secondary parameters play an important role. Here, we show that a possible solution is that such secondary parameters are correlated amongst themselves, in a way that removes correlations in observable space. In particular, we focus on how the existence of an anti-correlation between the dark matter halo spin and its concentration -- which is still debated in simulations -- can weaken the correlation of the residuals of the Tully-Fisher and mass-size relations. Interestingly, using simple analytic galaxy formation models, we find that this happens only for a relatively small portion of the parameter space that we explored, which suggests that this idea could be used to derive constraints to galaxy formation models that are still unexplored.

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Halo bias is the main link between the matter distribution and dark matter halos. In its simplest form, halo bias is determined by halo mass, but there are known additional dependencies on other halo properties which are of consequence for accurate modeling of galaxy clustering. Here we present the most precise measurement of these secondary-bias dependencies on halo age, concentration, and spin, for a wide range of halo masses spanning from 10$^{10.7}$ to 10$^{14.7}$ $h^{-1}$ M$_{odot}$. At the high-mass end, we find no strong evidence of assembly bias for masses above M$_{vir}$ $sim10^{14}$ $h^{-1}$ M$_{odot}$. Secondary bias exists, however, for halo concentration and spin, up to cluster-size halos, in agreement with previous findings. For halo spin, we report, for the first time, two different regimes: above M$_{vir}sim$10$^{11.5}$ $h^{-1}$ M$_{odot}$, halos with larger values of spin have larger bias, at fixed mass, with the effect reaching almost a factor 2. This trend reverses below this characteristic mass. In addition to these results, we test, for the first time, the performance of a multi-tracer method for the determination of the relative bias between different subsets of halos. We show that this method increases significantly the signal-to-noise of the secondary-bias measurement as compared to a traditional approach. This analysis serves as the basis for follow-up applications of our multi-tracer method to real data.
A large variance exists in the amplitude of the Stellar Mass - Halo Mass (SMHM) relation for group and cluster-size halos. Using a sample of 254 clusters, we show that the magnitude gap between the brightest central galaxy (BCG) and its second or fourth brightest neighbor accounts for a significant portion of this variance. We find that at fixed halo mass, galaxy clusters with a higher magnitude gap have a higher BCG stellar mass. This relationship is also observed in semi-analytic representations of low-redshift galaxy clusters in simulations. This SMHM-magnitude gap stratification likely results from BCG growth via hierarchical mergers and may link assembly of the halo with the growth of the BCG. Using a Bayesian model, we quantify the importance of the magnitude gap in the SMHM relation using a multiplicative stretch factor, which we find to be significantly non-zero. The inclusion of the magnitude gap in the SMHM relation results in a large reduction in the inferred intrinsic scatter in the BCG stellar mass at fixed halo mass. We discuss the ramifications of this result in the context of galaxy formation models of centrals in group and cluster-sized halos.
Recent studies have found that obscured quasars cluster more strongly and are thus hosted by dark matter haloes of larger mass than their unobscured counterparts. These results pose a challenge for the simplest unification models, in which obscured objects are intrinsically the same as unobscured sources but seen through a dusty line of sight. There is general consensus that a structure like a dusty torus exists, meaning that this intrinsic similarity is likely the case for at least some subset of obscured quasars. However, the larger host halo masses of obscured quasars implies that there is a second obscured population that has an even higher clustering amplitude and typical halo mass. Here, we use simple assumptions about the host halo mass distributions of quasars, along with analytical methods and cosmological $N$-body simulations to isolate the signal from this population. We provide values for the bias and halo mass as a function of the fraction of the non-torus obscured population. Adopting a reasonable value for this fraction of $sim$25% implies a non-torus obscured quasar bias that is much higher than the observed obscured quasar bias, because a large fraction of the obscured population shares the same clustering strength as the unobscured objects. For this non-torus obscured population, we derive a bias of $sim$3, and typical halo masses of $sim3times10^{13}$ M$_{odot}/h$ at $z=1$. These massive haloes are likely the descendants of high-mass unobscured quasars at high redshift, and will evolve into members of galaxy groups at $z=0$.
Minor accretion events with mass ratio M_sat : M_host ~ 1:10 are common in the context of LCDM cosmology. We use high-resolution simulations of Galaxy-analogue systems to show that these mergers can dynamically eject disk stars into a diffuse light component that resembles a stellar halo both spatially and kinematically. For a variety of orbital configurations, we find that ~3-5e8 M_sun of primary stellar disk material is ejected to a distance larger than 5 kpc above the galactic plane. This ejected contribution is similar to the mass contributed by the tidal disruption of the satellite galaxy itself, though it is less extended. If we restrict our analysis to the approximate solar neighborhood in the disk plane, we find that ~1% of the initial disk stars in that region would be classified kinematically as halo stars. Our results suggest that the inner parts of galactic stellar halos contain ancient disk stars and that these stars may have been liberated in the very same events that delivered material to the outer stellar halo.
We examine the properties and evolution of a simulated polar disc galaxy. This galaxy is comprised of two orthogonal discs, one of which contains old stars (old stellar disc), and the other, containing both younger stars and the cold gas (polar disc) of the galaxy. By exploring the shape of the inner region of the dark matter halo, we are able to confirm that the halo shape is a oblate ellipsoid flattened in the direction of the polar disc. We also note that there is a twist in the shape profile, where the innermost 3 kpc of the halo flattens in the direction perpendicular to the old disc, and then aligns with the polar disc out until the virial radius. This result is then compared to the halo shape inferred from the circular velocities of the two discs. We also use the temporal information of the simulation to track the systems evolution, and identify the processes which give rise to this unusual galaxy type. We confirm the proposal that the polar disc galaxy is the result of the last major merger, where the angular moment of the interaction is orthogonal to the angle of the infalling gas. This merger is followed by the resumption of coherent gas infall. We emphasise that the disc is rapidly restored after the major merger and that after this event the galaxy begins to tilt. A significant proportion of the infalling gas comes from filaments. This infalling gas from the filament gives the gas its angular momentum, and, in the case of the polar disc galaxy, the direction of the gas filament does not change before or after the last major merger.
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