Resonant states in $^{7}$H. I. Experimental studies of the $^2$H($^8$He,$^3$He) reaction

Abstract in English

The extremely neutron-rich system $^{7}$H was studied in the direct $^2$H($^8$He,$^3$He)$^7$H transfer reaction with a 26 AMeV secondary $^{8}$He beam [Bezbakh et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 124 (2020) 022502]. The missing mass spectrum and center-of-mass (c.m.) angular distributions of $^{7}$H, as well as the momentum distribution of the $^{3}$H fragment in the $^{7}$H frame, were constructed. In addition to the investigation reported in Ref. [Bezbakh et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 124 (2020) 022502], we carried out another experiment with the same beam but a modified setup, which was cross-checked by the study of the $^2$H($^{10}$Be,$^3$He$)^{9}$Li reaction. A solid experimental evidence is provided that two resonant states of $^{7}$H are located in its spectrum at 2.2(5) and 5.5(3) MeV relative to the $^3$H+4$n$ decay threshold. Also, there are indications that the resonant states at 7.5(3) and 11.0(3) MeV are present in the measured $^{7}$H spectrum. Based on the energy and angular distributions, obtained for the studied $^2$H($^8$He,$^3$He)$^7$H reaction, the weakly populated 2.2(5) MeV peak is ascribed to the $^7$H ground state. It is highly plausible that the firmly ascertained 5.5(3) MeV state is the $5/2^+$ member of the $^7$H excitation $5/2^+$-$3/2^+$ doublet, built on the $2^+$ configuration of valence neutrons. The supposed 7.5 MeV state can be another member of this doublet, which could not be resolved in Ref. [Bezbakh et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 124 (2020) 022502]. Consequently, the two doublet members appeared in the spectrum of $^{7}$H in [Bezbakh et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 124 (2020) 022502] as a single broad 6.5 MeV peak.
