No Arabic abstract
The primary goal of this paper is to study Spanier-Whitehead duality in the $K(n)$-local category. One of the key players in the $K(n)$-local category is the Lubin-Tate spectrum $E_n$, whose homotopy groups classify deformations of a formal group law of height $n$, in the implicit characteristic $p$. It is known that $E_n$ is self-dual up to a shift; however, that does not fully take into account the action of the Morava stabilizer group $mathbb{G}_n$, or even its subgroup of automorphisms of the formal group in question. In this paper we find that the $mathbb{G}_n$-equivariant dual of $E_n$ is in fact $E_n$ twisted by a sphere with a non-trivial (when $n>1$) action by $mathbb{G}_n$. This sphere is a dualizing module for the group $mathbb{G}_n$, and we construct and study such an object $I_{mathcal{G}}$ for any compact $p$-adic analytic group $mathcal{G}$. If we restrict the action of $mathcal{G}$ on $I_{mathcal{G}}$ to certain type of small subgroups, we identify $I_{mathcal{G}}$ with a specific representation sphere coming from the Lie algebra of $mathcal{G}$. This is done by a classification of $p$-complete sphere spectra with an action by an elementary abelian $p$-group in terms of characteristic classes, and then a specific comparison of the characteristic classes in question. The setup makes the theory quite accessible for computations, as we demonstrate in the later sections of this paper, determining the $K(n)$-local Spanier-Whitehead duals of $E_n^{hH}$ for select choices of $p$ and $n$ and finite subgroups $H$ of $mathbb{G}_n$.
A p-compact group is a mod p homotopy theoretical analogue of a compact Lie group. It is determined the homotopy nilpotency class of a p-compact group having the homotopy type of the $p$-completion of the direct product of spheres.
We discuss the current state of knowledge of stable homotopy groups of spheres. We describe a new computational method that yields a streamlined computation of the first 61 stable homotopy groups, and gives new information about the stable homotopy groups in dimensions 62 through 90. The method relies more heavily on machine computations than previous methods, and is therefore less prone to error. The main mathematical tool is the Adams spectral sequence.
These are notes for a five lecture series intended to uncover large-scale phenomena in the homotopy groups of spheres using the Adams-Novikov Spectral Sequence. The lectures were given in Strasbourg, May 7-11, 2007.
Let $S(V)$ be a complex linear sphere of a finite group $G$. %the space of unit vectors in a complex representation $V$ of a finite group $G$. Let $S(V)^{*n}$ denote the $n$-fold join of $S(V)$ with itself and let $aut_G(S(V)^*)$ denote the space of $G$-equivariant self homotopy equivalences of $S(V)^{*n}$. We show that for any $k geq 1$ there exists $M>0$ which depends only on $V$ such that $|pi_k aut_G(S(V)^{*n})| leq M$ is for all $n gg 0$.
We prove that the 2-primary $pi_{61}$ is zero. As a consequence, the Kervaire invariant element $theta_5$ is contained in the strictly defined 4-fold Toda bracket $langle 2, theta_4, theta_4, 2rangle$. Our result has a geometric corollary: the 61-sphere has a unique smooth structure and it is the last odd dimensional case - the only ones are $S^1, S^3, S^5$ and $S^{61}$. Our proof is a computation of homotopy groups of spheres. A major part of this paper is to prove an Adams differential $d_3(D_3) = B_3$. We prove this differential by introducing a new technique based on the algebraic and geometric Kahn-Priddy theorems. The success of this technique suggests a theoretical way to prove Adams differentials in the sphere spectrum inductively by use of differentials in truncated projective spectra.