Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP) evolution under loop corrections

Abstract in English

We review free energy evolution of QGP (Quark-gluon plasma) under zero-loop, one loop and two loop corrections in the mean field potential. The free energies of QGP under the comparison of zero-loop and loop corrections of the interacting potential among the quarks, anti-quarks and gluons are shown. We observe that the formation of stable QGP droplet is dependent on the loop corrections with the different parametrization values of fluid. With the increase in the parametrization value, stability of droplet formation increases with smaller size of droplet. This indicates that the formation of QGP droplet can be signified more importantly by the parametrization value like the Reynold number in fluid dynamics. It means that there may be different phenomenological parameter to define the stable QGP droplet when QGP fluid is studied under loop corrections.
