Unitary Symmetry-Protected Non-Abelian Statistics of Majorana Modes

Abstract in English

Symmetry-protected topological superconductors (TSCs) can host multiple Majorana zero modes (MZMs) at their edges or vortex cores, while whether the Majorana braiding in such systems is non-Abelian in general remains an open question. Here we uncover in theory the unitary symmetry-protected non-Abelian statisitcs of MZMs and propose the experimental realization. We show that braiding two vortices with each hosting $N$ unitary symmetry-protected MZMs generically reduces to $N$ independent sectors, with each sector braiding two different Majorana modes. This renders the unitary symmetry-protected non-Abelian statistics. As a concrete example, we demonstrate the proposed non-Abelian statistics in a spin-triplet TSC which hosts two MZMs at each vortex and, interestingly, can be precisely mapped to a quantum anomalous Hall insulator. Thus the unitary symmetry-protected non-Abelian statistics can be verified in the latter insulating phase, with the application to realizing various topological quantum gates being studied. Finally, we propose a novel experimental scheme to realize the present study in an optical Raman lattice. Our work opens a new route for Majorana-based topological quantum computation.
