The host galaxy of OJ 287 revealed by optical and near-infrared imaging

Abstract in English

The BL Lacertae object OJ 287 (z = 0.306) has unique double-peaked optical outbursts every ~12 years, and it presents one of the best cases for a small-separation binary supermassive black hole (SMBH) system, with an extremely massive primary log (M_BH/M_Sun) ~ 10.3. However, the host galaxy is unresolved or only marginally detected in all optical studies so far, indicating a large deviation from the bulge mass - SMBH mass relation. We have obtained deep, high spatial resolution i-band and K-band images of OJ~287 when the target was in a low state, which enable us to detect the host galaxy. We find the broad-band photometry of the host to be consistent with an early type galaxy with M_R = -22.5 and M_K = -25.2, placing it in the middle of the host galaxy luminosity distribution of BL Lacertae objects. The central supermassive black hole is clearly overmassive for a host galaxy of that luminosity, but not unprecedented, given some recent findings of other ``overmassive black holes in nearby galaxies.
