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Chern characters and supersymmetric field theories

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 Publication date 2020
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We construct a map from $d|1$-dimensional Euclidean field theories to complexified K-theory when $d=1$ and complex analytic elliptic cohomology when $d=2$. This provides further evidence for the Stolz--Teichner program, while also identifying candidate geometric models for Chern characters within their framework. The construction arises as a higher-dimensional and parameterized generalization of Fei Hans realization of the Chern character in K-theory as dimensional reduction for $1|1$-dimensional Euclidean field theories. In the elliptic case, the main new feature is a subtle interplay between the geometry of the super moduli space of $2|1$-dimensional tori and the derived geometry of complex analytic elliptic cohomology. As a corollary, we obtain an entirely geometric proof that partition functions of $mathcal{N}=(0,1)$ supersymmetric quantum field theories are weak modular forms, following a suggestion of Stolz and Teichner.

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We present a cocycle model for elliptic cohomology with complex coefficients in which methods from 2-dimensional quantum field theory can be used to rigorously construct cocycles. For example, quantizing a theory of vector bundle-valued fermions yields a cocycle representative of the elliptic Thom class. This constructs the complexified string orientation of elliptic cohomology, which determines a pushfoward for families of rational string manifolds. A second pushforward is constructed from quantizing a supersymmetric $sigma$-model. These two pushforwards agree, giving a precise physical interpretation for the elliptic index theorem with complex coefficients. This both refines and supplies further evidence for the long-conjectured relationship between elliptic cohomology and 2-dimensional quantum field theory. Analogous methods in supersymmetric mechanics recover path integral constructions of the Mathai--Quillen Thom form in complexified ${rm KO}$-theory and a cocycle representative of the $hat{A}$-class for a family of oriented manifolds.
Equivariant localization techniques give a rigorous interpretation of the Witten genus as an integral over the double loop space. This provides a geometric explanation for its modularity properties. It also reveals an interplay between the geometry of double loop spaces and complex analytic elliptic cohomology. In particular, we identify a candidate target for the elliptic Bismut-Chern character.
We study super parallel transport around super loops in a quotient stack, and show that this geometry constructs a global version of the equivariant Chern character.
This note announces results on the relations between the approach of Beilinson and Drinfeld to the geometric Langlands correspondence based on conformal field theory, the approach of Kapustin and Witten based on $N=4$ SYM, and the AGT-correspondence. The geometric Langlands correspondence is described as the Nekrasov-Shatashvili limit of a generalisation of the AGT-correspondence in the presence of surface operators. Following the approaches of Kapustin - Witten and Nekrasov - Witten we interpret some aspects of the resulting picture using an effective description in terms of two-dimensional sigma models having Hitchins moduli spaces as target-manifold.
We use Coulomb branch indices of Argyres-Douglas theories on $S^1 times L(k,1)$ to quantize moduli spaces ${cal M}_H$ of wild/irregular Hitchin systems. In particular, we obtain formulae for the wild Hitchin characters -- the graded dimensions of the Hilbert spaces from quantization -- for four infinite families of ${cal M}_H$, giving access to many interesting geometric and topological data of these moduli spaces. We observe that the wild Hitchin characters can always be written as a sum over fixed points in ${cal M}_H$ under the $U(1)$ Hitchin action, and a limit of them can be identified with matrix elements of the modular transform $ST^kS$ in certain two-dimensional chiral algebras. Although naturally fitting into the geometric Langlands program, the appearance of chiral algebras, which was known previously to be associated with Schur operators but not Coulomb branch operators, is somewhat surprising.
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