Quantum parity conservation in planar quantum electrodynamics

Abstract in English

Quantum parity conservation is verified at all orders in perturbation theory for a massless parity-even $U(1)times U(1)$ planar quantum electrodynamics (QED$_3$) model. The presence of two massless fermions requires the Lowenstein-Zimmermann (LZ) subtraction scheme, in the framework of the Bogoliubov-Parasiuk-Hepp-Zimmermann-Lowenstein (BPHZL) renormalization method, in order to subtract the infrared divergences induced by the ultraviolet subtractions at 1- and 2-loops, however thanks to the superrenormalizability of the model the ultraviolet divergences are bounded up to 2-loops. Finally, it is proved that the BPHZL renormalization method preserves parity for the model taken into consideration, contrary to what happens to the ordinary massless parity-even $U(1)$ QED$_3$.
