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Practical Guide of Using Kendalls {tau} in the Context of Forecasting Critical Transitions

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 Added by Amin Ghadami
 Publication date 2020
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Recent studies demonstrate that trends in indicators extracted from measured time series can indicate approaching to an impending transition. Kendalls {tau} coefficient is often used to study the trend of statistics related to the critical slowing down phenomenon and other methods to forecast critical transitions. Because statistics are estimated from time series, the values of Kendalls {tau} are affected by parameters such as window size, sample rate and length of the time series, resulting in challenges and uncertainties in interpreting results. In this study, we examine the effects of different parameters on the distribution of the trend obtained from Kendalls {tau}, and provide insights into how to choose these parameters. We also suggest the use of the non-parametric Mann-Kendall test to evaluate the significance of a Kendalls {tau} value. The non-parametric test is computationally much faster compared to the traditional parametric ARMA test.

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The design of reliable indicators to anticipate critical transitions in complex systems is an im portant task in order to detect a coming sudden regime shift and to take action in order to either prevent it or mitigate its consequences. We present a data-driven method based on the estimation of a parameterized nonlinear stochastic differential equation that allows for a robust anticipation of critical transitions even in the presence of strong noise levels like they are present in many real world systems. Since the parameter estimation is done by a Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach we have access to credibility bands allowing for a better interpretation of the reliability of the results. By introducing a Bayesian linear segment fit it is possible to give an estimate for the time horizon in which the transition will probably occur based on the current state of information. This approach is also able to handle nonlinear time dependencies of the parameter controlling the transition. In general the method could be used as a tool for on-line analysis to detect changes in the resilience of the system and to provide information on the probability of the occurrence of a critical transition in future.
116 - G. M. Viswanathan 2006
A challenging problem in physics concerns the possibility of forecasting rare but extreme phenomena such as large earthquakes, financial market crashes, and material rupture. A promising line of research involves the early detection of precursory log-periodic oscillations to help forecast extreme events in collective phenomena where discrete scale invariance plays an important role. Here I investigate two distinct approaches towards the general problem of how to detect log-periodic oscillations in arbitrary time series without prior knowledge of the location of the moveable singularity. I first show that the problem has a definite solution in Fourier space, however the technique involved requires an unrealistically large signal to noise ratio. I then show that the quadrature signal obtained via analytic continuation onto the imaginary axis, using the Hilbert transform, necessarily retains the log-periodicities found in the original signal. This finding allows the development of a new method of detecting log-periodic oscillations that relies on calculation of the instantaneous phase of the analytic signal. I illustrate the method by applying it to the well documented stock market crash of 1987. Finally, I discuss the relevance of these findings for parametric rather than nonparametric estimation of critical times.
We propose a nonparametric approach for probabilistic prediction of the AL index trained with AL and solar wind ($v B_z$) data. Our framework relies on the diffusion forecasting technique, which views AL and $ v B_z $ data as observables of an autonomous, ergodic, stochastic dynamical system operating on a manifold. Diffusion forecasting builds a data-driven representation of the Markov semigroup governing the evolution of probability measures of the dynamical system. In particular, the Markov semigroup operator is represented in an orthonormal basis acquired from data using the diffusion maps algorithm and Takens delay embeddings. This representation of the evolution semigroup is used in conjunction with a Bayesian filtering algorithm for forecast initialization to predict the probability that the AL index is less than a user-selected threshold over arbitrary lead times and without requiring exogenous inputs. We find that the model produces skillful forecasts out to at least two-hour leads despite gaps in the training data.
We study the problem of predicting rare critical transition events for a class of slow-fast nonlinear dynamical systems. The state of the system of interest is described by a slow process, whereas a faster process drives its evolution and induces critical transitions. By taking advantage of recent advances in reservoir computing, we present a data-driven method to predict the future evolution of the state. We show that our method is capable of predicting a critical transition event at least several numerical time steps in advance. We demonstrate the success as well as the limitations of our method using numerical experiments on three examples of systems, ranging from low dimensional to high dimensional. We discuss the mathematical and broader implications of our results.
559 - Pranab K. Sen 2008
High-dimensional data models, often with low sample size, abound in many interdisciplinary studies, genomics and large biological systems being most noteworthy. The conventional assumption of multinormality or linearity of regression may not be plausible for such models which are likely to be statistically complex due to a large number of parameters as well as various underlying restraints. As such, parametric approaches may not be very effective. Anything beyond parametrics, albeit, having increased scope and robustness perspectives, may generally be baffled by the low sample size and hence unable to give reasonable margins of errors. Kendalls tau statistic is exploited in this context with emphasis on dimensional rather than sample size asymptotics. The Chen--Stein theorem has been thoroughly appraised in this study. Applications of these findings in some microarray data models are illustrated.
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