Diversity/Parallelism Trade-off in Distributed Systems with Redundancy

Abstract in English

As numerous machine learning and other algorithms increase in complexity and data requirements, distributed computing becomes necessary to satisfy the growing computational and storage demands, because it enables parallel execution of smaller tasks that make up a large computing job. However, random fluctuations in task service times lead to straggling tasks with long execution times. Redundancy, in the form of task replication and erasure coding, provides diversity that allows a job to be completed when only a subset of redundant tasks is executed, thus removing the dependency on the straggling tasks. In situations of constrained resources (here a fixed number of parallel servers), increasing redundancy reduces the available resources for parallelism. In this paper, we characterize the diversity vs. parallelism trade-off and identify the optimal strategy, among replication, coding and splitting, which minimizes the expected job completion time. We consider three common service time distributions and establish three models that describe scaling of these distributions with the task size. We find that different distributions with different scaling models operate optimally at different levels of redundancy, and thus may require very different code rates.
