Two-loop renormalization and mixing of gluon and quark energy-momentum tensor operators

Abstract in English

In this paper, we present one- and two-loop results for the renormalization of the gluon and quark gauge-invariant operators which appear in the definition of the QCD energy-momentum tensor, in dimensional regularization. To this end, we consider a variety of Greens functions with different incoming momenta. We identify the set of twist-2 symmetric traceless and flavor singlet operators which mix among themselves and we calculate the corresponding mixing coefficients for the nondiagonal components. We also provide results for some appropriate regularization-independent (RI)-like schemes, which address this mixing, and we discuss their application to nonperturbative studies via lattice simulations. Finally, we extract the one- and two-loop expressions of the conversion factors between the proposed RI and the MSbar schemes. From our results regarding the MSbar-renormalized Greens functions, one can easily derive conversion factors relating numerous variants of RI-like schemes to MSbar. To make our results easily accessible, we also provide them as Supplemental Material, in the form of a Mathematica input file and, also, an equivalent text file.
