Spectral investigation of Ceres analogue mixtures: in-depth analysis of crater central peak material (ccp) on Ceres

Abstract in English

In order to investigate the causes of different spectral slope in ccps, different grain-sizes of Ceres analogue mixtures were produced, heated to remove absorption of atmospheric water, and spectrally analyzed. First, the end-members which compose the Ceres surface (using the antigorite as Mg-phyllosilicate, the NH4-montmorillonite as NH4-phyllosilicate, the dolomite as carbonate and the graphite as dark component), were mixed, obtaining mixtures with different relative abundance, and identifying the mixture with the reflectance spectrum most similar to the average Ceres spectrum. The mixtures were obtained with grain size of 0-25 {mu}m, 25-50 mic and 50-100 mic, were heated and spectrally analysed at T= 300 K and T=200 K (typical for surface Ceres temperature during VIR observations). The most similar Ceres analogue mixture is composed of dolomite (18%), graphite (27%), antigorite (32%) and NH4-montmorillonite (29%) and the results of this work suggest that this mixture is more similar to the Ceres youngest region than to the Ceres average, in particular for the negative slope of spectrum. Small variation in the composition and grain size of end-members need to be considered, in addition to the occurrence of a dark component dispersed in fine size. Furthermore, the positive spectral slope that characterizes the mean Ceres spectrum can be obtained by the application of some processes simulating the space weathering on Ceres (as micro-meteoritic impacts and solar wind irradiation), i.e. laser and ion irradiation. As conclusion, youngest ccps on Ceresare probably composed by fresher and weakly processed mixture with fine dark material intimately dispersed: as a result, the reflectance spectra of youngest material show a negative slope in the 1.2-1.9 mic range. The redder slope observed in the older ccps is probably the consequence of the space weathering effects on fresher material
