Shareability Network Based Decomposition Approach for Solving Large-scale Multi-modal School Bus Routing Problems

Abstract in English

We consider the classic School Bus Routing Problem (SBRP) with a multi modal generalization, where students are either picked up by a fleet of school buses or transported by an alternate transportation mode, subject to a set of constraints. The constraints that are typically imposed for school buses are a maximum fleet size, a maximum walking distance to a pickup point and a maximum commute time for each student. This is a special case of the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) with a common destination. We propose a decomposition approach for solving this problem based on the existing notion of a shareability network, which has been used recently in the context of dynamic ridepooling problems. Moreover, we simplify the problem by introducing the connection between the SBRP and the weighted set covering problem (WSCP). To scale this method to large-scale problem instances, we propose i) a node compression method for the shareability network based decomposition approach, and ii) heuristic-based edge compression techniques that perform well in practice. We show that the compressed problem leads to an Integer Linear Programming (ILP) of reduced dimensionality that can be solved efficiently using off-the-shelf ILP solvers. Numerical experiments on small-scale, large-scale and benchmark networks are used to evaluate the performance of our approach and compare it to existing large-scale SBRP solving techniques.
